" /> Cardiac Muscle Contraction Pathway - CISMeF

Preferred Label : Cardiac Muscle Contraction Pathway;

NCIt related terms : Cardiac muscle contraction;

Alternative definition : KEGG: Contraction of the heart is a complex process initiated by the electrical excitation of cardiac myocytes (excitation-contraction coupling, ECC). In cardiac myocytes, Ca2 influx induced by activation of voltage-dependent L-type Ca channels (DHP receptors) upon membrane depolarization triggers the release of Ca2 via Ca2 release channels (ryanodine receptors) of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) through a Ca2 -induced Ca release (CICR) mechanism. Ca2 ions released via the CICR mechanism diffuse through the cytosolic space to contractile proteins to bind to troponinC resulting in the release of inhibition induced by troponinI. The Ca2 binding to troponinC thereby triggers the sliding of thin and thick filaments, that is, the activation of a crossbridge and subsequent cardiac force development and/or cell shortening. Recovery occurs as Ca2 is pumped out of the cell by the Na /Ca2 exchanger (NCX) or is returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) by sarco(endo)plasmic Ca2 -ATPase (SERCA) pumps on the non-junctional region of the SR.;

KEGG ID : hsa04260;


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