" /> Irbesartan - CISMeF

Preferred Label : Irbesartan;

NCIt definition : A nonpeptide angiotensin II antagonist with antihypertensive activity. Irbesartan selectively and competitively blocks the binding of angiotensin II to the angiotensin I receptor. Angiotensin II stimulates aldosterone synthesis and secretion by adrenal cortex, which decreases the excretion of sodium and increases the excretion of potassium. Angiotensin II also acts as a vasoconstrictor in vascular smooth muscle. (NCI05);

UNII : J0E2756Z7N;

CAS number : 138402-11-6;

Drug name : Avapro;

Chemical formula : C25H28N6O;

ChEBI ID : CHEBI:5959;

Codes from synonyms : 32061;


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