Preferred Label : paraparesis, tropical spastic;

MeSH definition : A subacute paralytic myeloneuropathy occurring endemically in tropical areas such as the Caribbean, Colombia, India, and Africa, as well as in the southwestern region of Japan; associated with infection by HUMAN T-CELL LEUKEMIA VIRUS I. Clinical manifestations include a slowly progressive spastic weakness of the legs, increased reflexes, Babinski signs, incontinence, and loss of vibratory and position sensation. On pathologic examination inflammatory, demyelination, and necrotic lesions may be found in the spinal cord. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1239);

MeSH synonym : human t-lymphotropic virus type 1 associated myelopathy; paraplegias, tropical spastic; tropical spastic parapareses; myelopathies, htlv-i-associated; tropical spastic paraparesis; spastic paraparesis, tropical; myelopathy, human t lymphotropic virus type 1 associated; human t lymphotropic virus type 1 associated myelopathy; htlv i associated myelopathies; parapareses, tropical spastic; spastic parapareses, tropical; myelopathy, human t-lymphotropic virus type 1 associated; paraplegia, tropical spastic; spastic paraplegia, tropical; spastic paraplegias, tropical; tropical spastic paraplegia; tropical spastic paraplegias; myelopathies, htlv i associated; htlv-i-associated myelopathy; htlv i associated myelopathy; htlv-i-associated myelopathies; myelopathy, htlv-i-associated; htlv-i-associated myelopathy-tropical spastic paraparesis; htlv i associated myelopathy tropical spastic paraparesis; myelopathies, Htlv-1-Associated; myelopathy, htlv 1 associated; familial spastic paraparesis, Htlv-1-Associated; familial spastic paraparesis, htlv 1 associated; myelopathy, Htlv-1-Associated; Htlv-1-Associated myelopathies; Htlv-1-Associated myelopathy;

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A subacute paralytic myeloneuropathy occurring endemically in tropical areas such as the Caribbean, Colombia, India, and Africa, as well as in the southwestern region of Japan; associated with infection by HUMAN T-CELL LEUKEMIA VIRUS I. Clinical manifestations include a slowly progressive spastic weakness of the legs, increased reflexes, Babinski signs, incontinence, and loss of vibratory and position sensation. On pathologic examination inflammatory, demyelination, and necrotic lesions may be found in the spinal cord. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1239)
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