Preferred Label : adiposis dolorosa;

MeSH definition : A rare disease characterized by multiple tumor-like fatty deposits that press on nerves in various sites causing pain and weakness. Often these lipoma-like structures are located on the trunk and limbs but not on the face and hands.;

MeSH synonym : dercums disease; dercum's disease; disease, dercum; dercum disease; disease, dercum's; adipose tissue rheumatism; morbus dercum; lipomatosis dolorosa; adiposalgia; anders syndrome; Ander's Syndrome; Ander Syndrome; Syndrome, Ander's; Anders Syndromes; Syndrome, Anders; Syndromes, Anders; Adiposalgias; Adipose Tissue Rheumatisms; Rheumatism, Adipose Tissue; Rheumatisms, Adipose Tissue; Tissue Rheumatism, Adipose; Tissue Rheumatisms, Adipose; Dolorosa, Lipomatosis; Dolorosas, Lipomatosis; Lipomatosis Dolorosas; Dercum, Morbus; Dercums, Morbus; Morbus Dercums; Decum-Vitaut Syndrome; Decum Vitaut Syndrome; Syndrome, Decum-Vitaut;

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A rare disease characterized by multiple tumor-like fatty deposits that press on nerves in various sites causing pain and weakness. Often these lipoma-like structures are located on the trunk and limbs but not on the face and hands.
rare diseases
adiposis dolorosa
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