" /> Standardized Data: The OMOP Common Data Model - CISMeF

Titre : Standardized Data: The OMOP Common Data Model;

URL : https://www.ohdsi.org/data-standardization/

Description : The Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) is an open community data standard, designed to standardize the structure and content of observational data and to enable efficient analyses that can produce reliable evidence. A central component of the OMOP CDM is the OHDSI standardized vocabularies. The OHDSI vocabularies allow organization and standardization of medical terms to be used across the various clinical domains of the OMOP common data model and enable standardized analytics that leverage the knowledge base when constructing exposure and outcome phenotypes and other features within characterization, population-level effect estimation, and patient-level prediction studies.;

Année : 2023;

Exclure de QDN : false;

UNF3S : false;

Ressource SaNurN : false;


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