" /> Linoleic Acid - CISMeF

Preferred Label : Linoleic Acid;

NCIt synonyms : Linolic Acid; 9,12-Linoleic Acid; (Z,Z)-9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid;

NCIt related terms : Cis, cis-octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid; Fatty Acid 18:2 n-6;

NCIt definition : A polyunsaturated essential fatty acid found mostly in plant oils. It is used in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins and cell membranes.;

Alternative definition : CRCH: Polyunsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbons and 2 double bonds at the 6th and 9th carbons from the methyl end;



CAS number : 2197-37-7; 60-33-3; a href https://gsrs.ncats.nih.gov/ginas/app/beta/browse-substance?search 2197-37-7 alt lien vers site G-SRS target _blank img src /img/logos/logo_g-srs.png alt Logo G-SRS /a ; a href https://gsrs.ncats.nih.gov/ginas/app/beta/browse-substance?search 60-33-3 alt lien vers site G-SRS target _blank img src /img/logos/logo_g-srs.png alt Logo G-SRS /a ;

Unit used : g;

Chemical formula : CH3(CH2)4(CH cisCHCH2)2(CH2)6COOH;

NSC code : 281243;

ChEBI ID : CHEBI:17351;

Codes from synonyms : NSC0281243; 00597;


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