Preferred Label : compassionate use trials;

MeSH definition : Providing an investigational therapy to a patient who is not eligible to receive that therapy in a clinical trial, but who has a serious or life-threatening illness for which other treatments are not available. Compassionate use trials allow patients to receive promising but not yet fully studied or approved therapies when no other treatment option exists. Also called expanded access trial.;

MeSH synonym : expanded access trials; trial, expanded access; trials, compassionate use; compassionate use trial; trial, compassionate use; use trials, compassionate; access trial, expanded; expanded access trial; trials, expanded access;

Related MeSH term : compassionate use; humanitarian device exemption; Device Exemption, Humanitarian; Device Exemptions, Humanitarian; Exemption, Humanitarian Device; Exemptions, Humanitarian Device; Humanitarian Device Exemptions; Compassionate Uses; Use, Compassionate;

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Providing an investigational therapy to a patient who is not eligible to receive that therapy in a clinical trial, but who has a serious or life-threatening illness for which other treatments are not available. Compassionate use trials allow patients to receive promising but not yet fully studied or approved therapies when no other treatment option exists. Also called expanded access trial.
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compassionate use trials

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