Preferred Label : temporal lobe;

MeSH definition : Lower lateral part of the cerebral hemisphere responsible for auditory, olfactory, and semantic processing. It is located inferior to the lateral fissure and anterior to the OCCIPITAL LOBE.;

MeSH synonym : lobe, temporal; temporal lobes; Temporal Cortex; Cortex, Temporal; Temporal Cortices; Temporal Region; Region, Temporal; Temporal Regions;

CISMeF synonym : Cortices, Temporal; Regions, Temporal; lobes, temporal;

MeSH hyponym : Temporal Sulcus; Fusiform Gyrus; Temporal Gyrus; Superior Temporal Gyrus; Temporal Operculum; Planum Polare; Planum Polares; Polare, Planum; Polares, Planum; Sulcus, Temporal; Gyrus, Superior Temporal; Temporal Gyrus, Superior; Gyrus Temporalis Superior; Gyrus Temporalis Superiors; Superior, Gyrus Temporalis; Superiors, Gyrus Temporalis; Temporalis Superior, Gyrus; Temporalis Superiors, Gyrus; Gyrus, Temporal; Operculum, Temporal; Operculums, Temporal; Temporal Operculums; Gyrus, Fusiform; Lateral Occipito-Temporal Gyrus; Gyrus, Lateral Occipito-Temporal; Lateral Occipito Temporal Gyrus; Occipito-Temporal Gyrus, Lateral; Lateral Occipitotemporal Gyrus; Gyrus, Lateral Occipitotemporal; Occipitotemporal Gyrus, Lateral; Occipitotemporal Gyrus; Gyrus, Occipitotemporal; Gyrus Fusiformis; Fusiformi, Gyrus; Fusiformis, Gyrus; Gyrus Fusiformi; Gyrus, Inferior Temporal; Temporal Gyrus, Inferior; Brodmann's Area 20; Area 20, Brodmann's; Brodmanns Area 20; Brodmann Area 20; Area 20, Brodmann; Anterior Temporal Lobes; Lobe, Anterior Temporal; Temporal Lobe, Anterior; Temporal Lobes, Anterior; Area, Parainsular; Areas, Parainsular; Parainsular Areas; Brodmann Area 52; Area 52, Brodmann; Brodmann's Area 52; Area 52, Brodmann's; Brodmanns Area 52; Gyrus, Middle Temporal; Temporal Gyrus, Middle; Brodmann's Area 21; Area 21, Brodmann's; Brodmanns Area 21; Brodmann Area 21; Area 21, Brodmann; Brodmann Area 37; Area 37, Brodmann; Brodmann's Area 37; Area 37, Brodmann's; Brodmanns Area 37; Brodmann Area 22; Area 22, Brodmann; Brodmann's Area 22; Area 22, Brodmann's; Brodmanns Area 22; Area 38, Brodmann; Brodmann's Area 38; Area 38, Brodmann's; Brodmanns Area 38;

Related MeSH term : Inferior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle; Temporal Horn; Horn, Temporal; Horns, Temporal; Temporal Horns; Inferior Horn of Lateral Ventricle; Temporal Horn of the Lateral Ventricle;

MeSH annotation : diseases: coordinate IM with BRAIN DISEASES (IM); neoplasms: coordinate IM with BRAIN NEOPLASMS (IM); diseases: coordinate with BRAIN DISEASES; neoplasms: coordinate with BRAIN NEOPLASMS;

Wikipedia link : lobe;


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Lower lateral part of the cerebral hemisphere responsible for auditory, olfactory, and semantic processing. It is located inferior to the lateral fissure and anterior to the OCCIPITAL LOBE.
audiovisual aids
diagnostic imaging
brain injuries
frontal lobe
cerebral cortex
parietal lobe
temporal lobe
auditory cortex
limbic system
occipital lobe
temporal lobe

educational course
cerebral palsy
parietal lobe
signs and symptoms
frontal lobe
occipital lobe
temporal lobe

scientific and technical information
autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy
temporal lobe
epilepsy, temporal lobe

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