Preferred Label : hyperostosis, cortical, congenital;

MeSH definition : A disease of young infants characterized by soft tissue swellings over the affected bones, fever, and irritability, and marked by periods of remission and exacerbation. (Dorland, 27th ed);

MeSH synonym : congenital cortical hyperostoses; hyperostoses, cortical congenital; hyperostoses, congenital cortical; cortical hyperostoses, congenital; caffey de toni silvermann syndrome; cortical hyperostoses, infantile; infantile cortical hyperostosis; hyperostosis, congenital cortical; cortical hyperostosis, infantile; hyperostoses, infantile cortical; hyperostosis, infantile cortical; infantile cortical hyperostoses; syndrome, caffey-de toni-silvermann; congenital hyperostosis, cortical; congenital hyperostoses, cortical; cortical congenital hyperostoses; cortical hyperostosis, congenital; congenital cortical hyperostosis; cortical congenital hyperostosis; caffey-de toni-silvermann syndrome; familial caffey's disease; caffey's disease, familial; disease, familial caffey's; familial caffey disease; familial caffeys disease; caffey disease; disease, caffey; familial infantile cortical hyperostosis; hyperostosis, cortical congenital;

MeSH annotation : cortical refers to cortex of bone; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES;

Wikipedia link : cortical hyperostoses;


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A disease of young infants characterized by soft tissue swellings over the affected bones, fever, and irritability, and marked by periods of remission and exacerbation. (Dorland, 27th ed)
hyperostosis, cortical, congenital
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