ICD-11 code : DA95;
Preferred Label : Coeliac disease;
ICD-11 definition : Coeliac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten proteins, present in wheat, rye,
and barley. It is an autoimmune disorder, characterized by a chronic inflammatory
state of the small intestinal mucosa and submucosa, which can impair digestion and
absorption of nutrients, leading to malnutrition.;
ICD-11 synonym : childhood coeliac disease; Heubner-Herter disease; coeliac rickets; CCD - [childhood coeliac disease]; Nontropical sprue; celiac disease; Gluten-sensitive enteropathy; Gee-Herter disease; adult coeliac disease; Gee disease; ACD - [adult coeliac disease];
ICD-11 acronym : ACD; CCD;
ICD-11 inclusion : Gluten-sensitive enteropathy; coeliac infantilism; Herter Gee syndrome; Gee-Thaysen disease; Idiopathic steatorrhoea; infantile idiopathic steatorrhoea; infantile coeliac disease; infant coeliac disease; infantile non-tropical sprue; non-tropical sprue of childhood; childhood gluten-induced enteropathy; Nontropical sprue; Thaysen's disease; childhood coeliac disease;
Origin ID : 2005943638;
- Automatic exact mappings (from CISMeF team)
- Currated CISMeF NLP mapping
- False automatic mappings
- ICD-10 Mapping
- See also inter- (CISMeF)
Coeliac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten proteins, present in wheat, rye,
and barley. It is an autoimmune disorder, characterized by a chronic inflammatory
state of the small intestinal mucosa and submucosa, which can impair digestion and
absorption of nutrients, leading to malnutrition.