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N. Nakao H. Kitaura Y. Koga N. Yoshida Application of a mini-screw at the maxillary tubercle for treatment of maxillary protrusion Orthodontic Waves 67 2 2008 72 80

Auteurs : Pongracz CDate 2008, Vol 6, Num 3, pp 328-328Revue : International orthodonticsType de publication : Compte rendu d'ouvrage; DOI : 10.1016/S1761-7227(08)75169-6
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Pongracz C. N. Nakao H. Kitaura Y. Koga N. Yoshida Application of a mini-screw at the maxillary tubercle for treatment of maxillary protrusion Orthodontic Waves 67 2 2008 72 80. Int Orthod. 2008;6(3):328-328.
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