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How Fundamental Teaching Skills (FMS) can develop into inappropriate teaching and learning

Auteurs : Ezzeldine K1
Affiliations : 1St Mary's University Twickenham, London, UK
Date 2014 Octobre, Vol 29, pp S61-S61Revue : Science & sportsDOI : 10.1016/j.scispo.2014.08.123

This presentation will address a number of concerns that arise when ideas in well-prepared resources are translated into actual practice. It will focus on the way that teachers pick and choose ideas and absorb them into their practice in what may seem to be an uninformed process. In picking and choosing whatever they like, activities become a resource box that one can pull out and use at any time. However, the use of such a resource can be seen as ideas just to occupy young people and the idea of progression and addressing individual needs is neglected because “one size fits all”. In the hands of inexperienced teachers, there is a risk that they will use lists of isolated techniques as the only basis for their teaching. In such an approach, they can be drawn easily into a pedagogy of command, control and correct and they risk a failure to acknowledge that children have different needs, respond in different ways and have different starting points for learning. It highlights also the possibility that the teaching approach in these circumstances will be didactic and negate creative and self-directed learning. For example in games we want children to be technically competent and skilful in game situations and to love playing. A focus on isolated techniques and drills is unlikely to develop skilful and intelligent performance in a game and it is also unlikely to promote an emotional attachment to a game. This presentation will highlight also the debate about the very essence of facilitating learning and what practices will promote a love of being physically active in a variety of purposeful physical pursuits and maintaining a commitment and interest in them for many years.

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 Source : Elsevier-Masson
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Ezzeldine K. How Fundamental Teaching Skills (FMS) can develop into inappropriate teaching and learning. Sci Sports. 2014 Oct;29:S61-S61.
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