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Manifestations ORL de la maladie de Fabry.

Auteurs : Malinvaud D1, Germain DP, Benistan K, Bonfils P
Affiliations : 1Service d'ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Université Paris V, Paris cedex 15, France.
Date 2010 Décembre, Vol 31 Suppl 2, pp S251-6Revue : La Revue de médecine interneType de publication : article de périodique; DOI : 10.1016/S0248-8663(10)70022-9

Anderson-Fabry's disease corresponds to an inherited disorder transmitted by an X-linked recessive gene. The disease is caused by an alpha-galactosidase deficiency leading to an abnormal glycosphingolipid metabolism, resulting in glycosphingolipids deposits all over the body. The disease affects all organs over the body and can be responsible for central nervous system or renal failure, heart attack, which can lead for early death in absence of diagnosis and treatment. In addition to these life-threatening manifestations, other problems which may have a profound impact on quality of life, such as hearing loss, have been relatively neglected. Thus, a large proportion of patients with Fabry's disease suffer from sensorineural hearing loss, with both progressive hearing impairment and sudden deafness, and peripheral vestibular deficits with dizziness and vertigo. The exact pathophysiologic mechanism(s) of those otological complications is still studied, but both cochleo-vestibular disorder and vascular origin seems to be involved. For many years, only symptomatic treatment has been available. For the past ten years, the introduction of enzyme replacement therapy with recombinant agalsidase-α or -β provides new prospect for these patients, decreasing the risk of complications. Still on study, it may also be active both on hearing loss and vestibular disturbances.

 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Malinvaud D, Germain D P, Benistan K, Bonfils P. Manifestations ORL de la maladie de Fabry. Rev Med Interne. 2010 Déc;31 Suppl 2:S251-6.
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