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Hypoxic mitochondria: accomplices in resistance

Auteurs : Mazure NM, Brahimi-Horn MC1, Pouysségur J1
Affiliations : 1University of Nice, CNRS, UMR 6543, Institute of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research, Centre Antoine-Lacassagne, 33, avenue de Valombrose, 06189 Nice, France
Date 2011 Mai, Vol 98, Num 5, pp E40-E46Revue : Bulletin du cancerType de publication : article de périodique; DOI : 10.1684/bdc.2011.1360

AbstractMitochondria originated from a distant ancestor: the α-proteobacteria. They evolved over millions of years in a symbiotic relationship in eukaryotic cells by favoring consumption of oxygen by the electron transport chain with production of ATP. Contemporary mitochondria still play a crucial role in providing energy but also in apoptosis. Because of this symbiotic relationship and their pivotal function, mitochondria undoubtedly participate in tumorigenesis. Genetic defects in mitochondrial DNA, blockade of oxidative phosphorylation and mitophagy in tumor cells modify the production of damaging reactive oxygen species and restrain apoptosis. As the environment of tumor cells becomes more and more hypoxic, the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) is stabilized and participates in the reprogramming of cell metabolism. Recently, we became interested in asking whether HIF and hypoxia affect mitochondrial function. In this review, we show that hypoxia induces enlargement of mitochondria, due to abnormal fusion, which results in resistance to apoptosis and thus in survival. The role of hypoxia-induced BNIP3 and BNIP3L, proteins recently described as pro-survival proteins, in survival is also discussed.

Mot-clés auteurs
apoptosis; ATP; cell survival; hypoxia-inducible factor; mitochondria;

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Mazure NM, Brahimi-Horn MC, Pouysségur J. Hypoxic mitochondria: accomplices in resistance. Bull Cancer. 2011 Mai;98(5):E40-E46.
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