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Structure d'accueil et IVG. Prise en charge par léquipe soignante.

Auteurs : Tregan DDate 1994 Mars, Num 154, pp 31-4Revue : Soins. Gynécologie, obstétrique, puériculture, pédiatrieType de publication : article de périodique;

The various steps required in obtaining an abortion in France are often physically and psychically difficult for the woman. The staff of the abortion center can help ease the difficulty by establishing a relationship with her and being available to help if needed. At the time of the initial contact to set up an appointment, the medical secretary must bear in mind that the woman, though healthy, is distressed. At the second and third encounters the patients must be supported during the examination, electrocardiogram, and other tests. The staff explains the procedures and attempts to answer questions and reassure the woman. During the required psychological interview, the woman may express herself or not, depending on her own needs and wishes. Finally, on the day of the abortion, the staff tries to reassure the woman and accompany her through the various stages of the ordeal. Someone selected by the patient is present during the entire intervention to provide support. Monitoring and care of the woman continue until discharge. After the abortion, the patient is instructed about postoperative care and contraception and given a follow-up appointment.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion Seekers; Abortion; Induced; Abortion; Legal; Behavior; Client-staff Relations; Developed Countries; Europe; Family Planning; Fertility Control; Postconception; France; Interpersonal Relations; Mediterranean Countries; Procedures; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Tregan D. Structure d'accueil et IVG. Prise en charge par léquipe soignante. Soins Gynecol Obstet Pueric Pediatr. 1994 Mar;(154):31-4.
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