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Techniques radiologiques de localisation d'un dispositif intra-utérin.

Auteurs : Dana A, Tubiana JM, Rozier JY, Chalut JDate 1978 Décembre, Vol 21, Num 8, pp 601-3Revue : Annales de radiologieType de publication : article de périodique;

A radiological method for the localization of intrauterine devices is suggested. The 1st step consists of taking a picture without any preparation, of the pelvic cavity. If there is no IUD is this area, one will obtain a picture of the whole abdomen. If the IUD is located in the pelvis, a traction on the cervix will most often allow to determine the intrauterine location of the device. In some cases, one has to perform a fractionated hysterography. The method gives the most reliable results. It is a very simple procedure which in most cases only necessitates 2 pictures and generally allows to avoid an hysterography. The echotomography is a more sophisticated procedure which generally allows the localization of the IUD. Other techniques include the double contrast hysterography and the pneumo-hysterography; these procedures however are rarely used.

Mot-clés auteurs
Cervix; Contraception; Contraception Termination; Contraceptive Methods--complications; Examinations And Diagnoses; Family Planning; Iud--complications; Ultrasonics; Uterine Perforation; Uterus;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Dana A, Tubiana J M, Rozier J Y, Chalut J. Techniques radiologiques de localisation d'un dispositif intra-utérin. Ann Radiol (Paris). 1978 Déc;21(8):601-3.
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