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Circulaire no 2144 du 16 Juin 1980 relative à la pratique des interruptions volontaires de grossesse dans les centres hospitaliers régionaux et généraux.

Auteurs : Barrot JDate 1980 Décembre 11, Vol 30, Num 57, pp 4077-9Revue : La Revue du praticienType de publication : article de périodique;

This is the text of circular No. 2144 of June 16 1980 published by the French Minister of Health and Social Welfare to make obligatory the application of the law regarding legal abortion and information on contraceptive measures. The circular establishes that: 1) all regional hospitals and all general hospitals must have operation rooms, surgical equipment, and medical personnel to make legal abortions available; 2) the same hospitals must have specialized personnel able to give information on contraceptive methods and to provide the proper services, especially to women who just underwent abortion; 3) the activities of family planning or family education centers must be coordinated with those of the hospitals where abortions are to take place; 4) the heads of the gynecologic-obstetric department of such hospitals are responsible for all abortion taking place in said hospitals, and for keeping statistical bulletins to be sent regularly to the Ministry of Health; and, 5) funding for legal abortions will be provided for by supplementary budgeting.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion Law; Abortion; Induced; Clinic Activities; Counseling; Delivery Of Health Care; Developed Countries; Economic Factors; Europe; Family Planning; Family Planning Centers; Fertility Control; Postconception; Financial Activities; France; Funds; Health; Health Facilities--standards; Health Personnel; Hospitals; Mediterranean Countries; Organization And Administration; Program Activities; Programs; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Barrot J. Circulaire no 2144 du 16 Juin 1980 relative à la pratique des interruptions volontaires de grossesse dans les centres hospitaliers régionaux et généraux. La Revue du praticien. 1980 Déc 11;30(57):4077-9.
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