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Contraceptifs oraux. Expérience des 10 dernières années.

Auteurs : Kuttenn F, Detoeuf M, de Lignières BDate 1980 Décembre 11, Vol 30, Num 57, pp 4015-6, 4019-20, 4025-6 passimRevue : La Revue du praticienType de publication : article de périodique;

Hormonal contraception was made legal in France in 1967, and it was used by 28% of French women between 20-44 in 1978. There has been in the past few years a drop in the number of OC (oral contraception) users, largely due to the many and well publicized side effects, the best known of which are metabolic effects, cardio- and cerebrovascular effects, coagulation effects, and hepatic effects. There is no doubt that the incidence of mortality is increased, in certain subjects, by OC use, especially in patients over 35. Certain predisposed subjects, such as those with familial antecedents of thrombotic accidents, or hypertensive subjects, should not use OC. There are, however, several types of OC, i.e. combined, or estroprogestational, and progestin only contraception, in high or in low doses. Each type of contraception is indicated for a particualr group of women only, and contraindicated to others. Only an expert physician can decide which type is better suited to a particular client. Research is being conducted in several countries to study better and safer types of contraception.

Mot-clés auteurs
Biology; Blood Coagulation Effects; Carbohydrate Metabolic Effects; Contraception; Contraceptive Agents; Contraceptive Agents; Female; Contraceptive Agents; Progestin; Contraceptive Methods--contraindications; Contraceptive Methods--indications; Developed Countries; Europe; Family Planning; France; Glucose Metabolism Effects; Hematological Effects; Hemic System; Hepatic Effects; Lipid Metabolic Effects; Lipids; Mediterranean Countries; Metabolic Effects; Oral Contraceptives; Combined; Oral Contraceptives--contraindications; Oral Contraceptives--indications; Physiology; Progestins; Low-dose; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Kuttenn F, Detoeuf M, de Lignières B. Contraceptifs oraux. Expérience des 10 dernières années. La Revue du praticien. 1980 Déc 11;30(57):4015-6, 4019-20, 4025-6 passim.
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