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La contraception à l'adolescence.

Auteurs : Gagné R, Frappier JYDate 1981 Mars, Vol 110, Num 3, pp 197-200Revue : L'union médicale du CanadaType de publication : article de périodique;

Contraception for the adolescent girl presents a few problems which are mainly related to age. Before prescribing a contraceptive method a doctor should find out whether the girl is regularly or sporadically sexually active, whether she has previously used a method and why it was terminated; life style and habits also should be investigated. Contraindications to the use of the pill are the same as for older women, with the added disadvantage that a teenager will be more likely to forget to take her pills. The IUD may, however rarely, cause salpingitis and possible later infertility. Mechanical methods of contraception would be perfect for the motivated young woman with only sporadic relations. Whatever the choice the opinion of the patient is very important, and any choice must be made on an individual basis from one case to the other.

Mot-clés auteurs
Adolescents; Adolescents; Female; Age Factors; Contraception; Demographic Factors; Family Planning; Population; Population Characteristics; Youth;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Gagné R, Frappier J Y. La contraception à l'adolescence. Union Med Can. 1981 Mar;110(3):197-200.
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