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La stérilisation tubaire.

Auteurs : Dubois MDate 1984 Avril 1, Vol 39, Num 7, pp 265-6Revue : Revue médicale de LiègeType de publication : article de périodique;

The success of tubal sterilization as a contraceptive method continues to increase at all levels of society. In Belgium, about 5% of couples of reproductive age have chosen sterilization. Most sterilizations are motivated by a desire for convenience and a wish to avoid the problems posed by longterm utilization of other contraceptive methods. The use of laparoscopic sterilization with silicone rings or with clips has permitted problems associated with electrocoagulation to be avoided and has contributed to the diffusion of this type of contraception. Perioperative incidents occurring during placement of rings and clips are usually minor, such as tubal laceration or bleeding at the mesosalpinx. These technidques involve the same risks as those of any other laparoscopic procedure. Significant obesity, multiple abdominal surgical interventions, or a history of pelvoperitonitis should be considered relative or formal contraindications. Laparoscopic tubal sterilization, especially with Yoon rings, appears to be 1 of the most effective forms of tubal occlusion. The failure rate imputable directly to the method is only .08/woman year. Failure rates with classic tubal ligation and resection, laparoscopic electrocoagulation, or clips are higher. The possible emoational and behavioral problems related to the irreversibility of the method must not be forgotten. The patient should view the procedure as irreversible and should make the final decision only after a sufficient period of reflection, in agreement with the partner, and free of any external pressure.

Mot-clés auteurs
Behavior; Belgium; Clips; Contraception; Contraceptive Effectiveness; Equipment And Supplies; Europe; Family Planning; Female Sterilization; Gynecologic Surgery; Motivation; Psychological Factors; Sterilization; Sexual; Surgery; Surgical Equipment; Treatment; Tubal Occlusion; Tubal Rings; Urogenital Surgery; Use-effectiveness; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Dubois M. La stérilisation tubaire. Revue médicale de Liège. 1984 Avr 1;39(7):265-6.
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