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Facteurs d'adoption de la contraception médicale et motivations explicites des utilisatrices des contraceptifs locaux et oraux.

Auteurs : Texier GDate 1971, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 111-26Revue : Gynécologie pratiqueType de publication : article de périodique;

Responses to 913 questionnaires received from clients attending clinics of the French Movement for Family Planning in Paris and Lyons in 1968, of whom 288 are current users of medically presecribed contraception, are reported. The results from each topic are tabulated in percentages by duration of use. The population was highly educated, 56% high school or more moreover, the more long-term users were more highly educated. Contraceptive use was correlated with reading a daily newspaper, a professional job for husband and wife, nonaffiliation or Protestant religion, and leftist political persuasion. Duration of use was proportional to number of children, although there was definite trend toward beginning contraception before the 1st child. Long-term users had higher incomes. Slightly more users desired 2-4 year intervals between births than did nonusers. Having an unplanned child encouraged long use of contraception havinn 1 or 2 abortions was associated with contraception, but having 3 or more abortions was not. The most often cited motives for contraception, in order, were to limit or space births (57%), to improve marital harmony (40%), to stop births (30% for users and 28% for nonusers,), to avoid abortion 22.5%, but few because of economic constraints (2%). In general there was relatively little difference between the user and the nonuser groups, since the nonuser population were potential clients.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion; Induced; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Developed Countries; Economic Factors; Education; Europe; Family Planning; France; Mediterranean Countries; Religion; Research Methodology; Sampling Studies; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Studies; Surveys; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Texier G. Facteurs d'adoption de la contraception médicale et motivations explicites des utilisatrices des contraceptifs locaux et oraux. Gynecol Prat. 1971;22(2):111-26.
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