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Continuation et surveillance de la contraception.

Auteurs : Lambotte RDate 1973 Juin 1, Vol 28, Num 11, pp 378-82Revue : Revue médicale de LiègeType de publication : article de périodique;

A general discussion of the pill and diaphragm, both of which are prescribed in the author's clinic, and the IUD, is presented. Contraception is a sensitive subject, for which physicians must be trained to prescribe the most suitable method, considering practical and psychologic, as well as medical, circumstances. The World Health Organization has data showing far better continuation with the IUD than with the pill. The author believes that prescribing 30-40 mg pyridoxine daily with pills decreases neuropsychiatric symptoms. He found that the diaphragm often cured frigidity, because of its incidental anatomic training. Constant surveillance of contraceptive side effects is essential, particularly of IUDs and pills. A woman's pregnancy history is usually predictive of pill side effects. For instance cases of hypertension, jaundice or diabetes are contraindicative for pill use. For Belgian women, contraception must be either virtually absolute for medical or social indications, or relatively efficient, for family planning. The author stresses that no contraceptive can be used indefinitely with perfect security, or without periodic medical care or some inconvenience.

Mot-clés auteurs
Contraception; Family Planning; Iud; Literature Review; Oral Contraceptives; Vaginal Diaphragm;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Lambotte R. Continuation et surveillance de la contraception. Revue médicale de Liège. 1973 Juin 1;28(11):378-82.
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