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Stérilisation féminine et masculine.

Auteurs : Brat TDate 1973 Juin 1, Vol 28, Num 11, pp 376-8Revue : Revue médicale de LiègeType de publication : article de périodique;

This brief article discusses largely the indications and techniques of female sterilization, and mentions vasectomy, which is very seldom done in Belgium. Indications fall into 3 categories: purely medical, such as hypertensive kidney disease or uncompensated valvular cardiopathy; the medico-social, in which a group of medical and social factors, such as multiparity, poverty, and mild diabetes, taken together justify sterilization; and the purely social, in which the physician uses a medical solution for a social problem. Although vasectomy is technically easier than tubal ligation, invariably the woman is sterilized in Belgium. Techniques for female sterilization include transumbilical route postpartum, lower abdominal route (Pfannenstiel's incision), the vaginal route through the cul de sac, and laparoscopic cauterization.

Mot-clés auteurs
Belgium; Developed Countries; Europe; Family Planning; Female Sterilization--indications; Gynecologic Surgery; Sterilization; Sexual; Surgery; Treatment; Urogenital Surgery; Vasectomy; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Brat T. Stérilisation féminine et masculine. Revue médicale de Liège. 1973 Juin 1;28(11):376-8.
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