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La contraception en France: dix ans d'un nouveau régime.

Auteurs : Leridon HDate 1979 Mai 12, Vol 101, Num 19, pp 3247-51Revue : Concours médicalType de publication : article de périodique;

A survey conducted in France in 1978 showed that 68% of women used a contraceptive method; of these 28% used the pill, 18% coitus interruptus, and 9% the IUD. Women in the age group 20-24 used mostly the pill, those in the 30-34 age group the IUD, and those in the 40-44 age group coitus interruptus. The survey showed that only about 10% of women did not use a contraceptive method. Contraceptive usage was much influenced not only by age, but by such factors as marital status, education, religion, parity, and socioeconomic status. Among other European countries only the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, and West Germany had a higher percentage of contraception users.

Mot-clés auteurs
Acceptor Characteristics; Age Factors; Contraception; Contraceptive Usage; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Economic Factors; Education; Europe; Family Planning; Fertility; Fertility Measurements; France; Marital Status; Mediterranean Countries; Nuptiality; Parity; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Religion; Research Methodology; Sampling Studies; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Studies; Surveys; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Leridon H. La contraception en France: dix ans d'un nouveau régime. Concours Med. 1979 Mai 12;101(19):3247-51.
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