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Optical Control over Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation.

Auteurs : Jia L1, Gao S2, Qiao Y1
Affiliations : 1Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (BNLMS), Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, CAS Research/Education Center for Excellence in Molecular Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China.2Department of Orthopedic, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, 100191, China.
Date 2024 Mars 26, pp e2301724Revue : BDB_JO_2366-9608Type de publication : résumé en anglais; article de périodique; revue de la littérature; DOI : 10.1002/smtd.202301724

Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is responsible for the emergence of intracellular membrane-less organelles and the development of coacervate protocells. Benefitting from the advantages of simplicity, precision, programmability, and noninvasiveness, light has become an effective tool to regulate the assembly dynamics of LLPS, and mediate various biochemical processes associated with LLPS. In this review, recent advances in optically controlling membrane-less organelles within living organisms are summarized, thereby modulating a series of biological processes including irreversible protein aggregation pathologies, transcription activation, metabolic flux, genomic rearrangements, and enzymatic reactions. Among these, the intracellular systems (i.e., optoDroplet, Corelet, PixELL, CasDrop, and other optogenetic systems) that enable the photo-mediated control over biomolecular condensation are highlighted. The design of photoactive complex coacervate protocells in laboratory settings by utilizing photochromic molecules such as azobenzene and diarylethene is further discussed. This review is expected to provide in-depth insights into phase separation-associated biochemical processes, bio-metabolism, and diseases.

Mot-clés auteurs
coacervates; liquid–liquid phase separation; membrane‐less organelles; optical regulation; optogenetics; protocells;

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Jia L, Gao S, Qiao Y. Optical Control over Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation. Small Methods. 2024 Mar 26:e2301724.
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