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« Santé Publique Orale » : contexte, enjeux et perspectives.

Auteurs : Vergnes JN, Azogui SDate 2023 Décembre 01, Vol 35, Num HS1, pp 9-16Revue : Santé publique : revue multidisciplinaire pour la recherche et l'actionType de publication : résumé en anglais; article de périodique; DOI : 10.3917/spub.hs1.2023.0009

The discipline of “dental public health” derives its epistemological legitimacy from the unique position of dental surgeons within the realm of health care. It serves as a crucial bridge between the domain of public health and the field of dental science. The development of “dental public health” holds a twofold significance. First, it acknowledges and assesses the evolving landscape of public health, societal changes, determinants of overall health, environmental challenges, and global concerns. Its purpose is to guide policy decisions, education, research, and dental practices toward the greater good, ensuring equitable access to care and fostering technical and social innovation. Second, “dental public health” has the potential to contribute to the broader health care domain by transferring the diverse insights gained from dental surgery and its historical context. The independence of dental surgery, while sometimes posing challenges to interdisciplinary collaboration, also offers opportunities for progress through innovative solutions. In an era of patient partnerships and a growing emphasis on equality, diversity, and inclusion, it is imperative to consider the inclusion of patient representatives within the “dental public health” community. This inclusion can further enhance the discipline’s capacity to address contemporary health care challenges effectively.

Mot-clés auteurs
dentistry; public health dentistry; public health systems research;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Vergnes J, Azogui S. « Santé Publique Orale » : contexte, enjeux et perspectives. Sante Publique. 2023 Déc 01;35(HS1):9-16.
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Dernière date de mise à jour : 09/12/2023.

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