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Niveau de connaissance sur l’asthme professionnel et les agents asthmogènes : évaluation auprès du personnel de santé par un questionnaire validé.

Auteurs : Belloumi N1, Bougacha M1, Habouria C1, Bachouche I2, Chermiti Ben Abdallah F2, Fenniche S2
Affiliations : 1Service de pneumologie, pavillon 4, hôpital Abderrahmen Mami, Ariana, Tunisie.2Service de pneumologie, pavillon 4, hôpital Abderrahmen Mami, Ariana, Tunisie; Faculté de médecine de Tunis, université de Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisie.
Date 2023 Août 31Revue : Revue des maladies respiratoiresType de publication : résumé en anglais; article de périodique; DOI : 10.1016/j.rmr.2023.06.003

The health system is one of the professional sectors perhaps most at risk of occupational asthma. The aims of this study were to evaluate the level of knowledge of health care workers (HCWs) on occupational asthma and asthmogenic agents and to pave the way to effective educational action on the subject.A multicenter transversal study including 180 HCWs was carried out between July and December 2020. A validated questionnaire addressed four dimensions: knowledge of asthmatic disease, knowledge of occupational asthma, knowledge of prognosis of occupational asthma and knowledge on the prevention of occupational asthma.The average total score was 13.71/18 (76.17%). There was no correlation between average total score and age, educational level, seniority or status of paramedical staff. Mean total scores were significantly higher for participants with no fixed work schedule and those practicing in non-university structures. The difficulty indexes for the four aforementioned dimensions were 82.22%, 77.56%, 53.52% and 66.67% respectively.Knowledge gaps affect all professional categories but to different degrees. A review of the level of knowledge of persons in each category would be the first step on the road to planned educational action.

Mot-clés auteurs
agents asthmogènes; asthme professionnel; asthmogenic agents; connaissances; knowledge; occupational asthma; questionnaire;

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 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Belloumi N, Bougacha M, Habouria C, Bachouche I, Chermiti Ben Abdallah F, Fenniche S. Niveau de connaissance sur l’asthme professionnel et les agents asthmogènes : évaluation auprès du personnel de santé par un questionnaire validé. Rev Mal Respir. 2023 Août 31.
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Dernière date de mise à jour : 08/09/2023.

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