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Raideur matinale.

Auteurs : Giraud K1, Chatap G, Vincent JP, Groupe Douleurs Aiguës de la Personne Agée
Affiliations : 1Service de gérontologie 4 (Dr J.-P. Vincent), Hôpital Emile Roux, Limeil-Brévannes.
Date 2004 Juillet 10, Vol 33, Num 12 Pt 1, pp 803-7; discussion 825Revue : La Presse médicaleType de publication : article de périodique; revue de la littérature;

STIFFNESS AND UNSTRETCHING: Morning stiffness in the elderly is a painful entity often ignored, but frequent in institutions. Unstretching in the morning is part of the criteria in the diagnosis of inflammatory pathologies, but morning stiffness in old patients appears different from that described in rheumatological diseases and arthrosis.STIFFNESS AND UNSTRETCHING: Morning stiffness in the elderly is a painful entity often ignored, but frequent in institutions. Unstretching in the morning is part of the criteria in the diagnosis of inflammatory pathologies, but morning stiffness in old patients appears different from that described in rheumatological diseases and arthrosis.Various affections can be accompanied by morning stiffness in an elderly patient: arthrosis, but also various consequential affections, static disorders, deformity. We felt it was important to define the precise criteria that individualise this pathology so as to improve its management.STIFFNESS AND UNSTRETCHING: Morning stiffness in the elderly is a painful entity often ignored, but frequent in institutions. Unstretching in the morning is part of the criteria in the diagnosis of inflammatory pathologies, but morning stiffness in old patients appears different from that described in rheumatological diseases and arthrosis.Various affections can be accompanied by morning stiffness in an elderly patient: arthrosis, but also various consequential affections, static disorders, deformity. We felt it was important to define the precise criteria that individualise this pathology so as to improve its management.Non-medicinal measures often reduce the intensity and duration of this symptom and implicate all those attending to the patient. Medicinal treatment has a more limited place in the fragile elderly patient, but its role remains to be assessed.

 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Giraud K, Chatap G, Vincent J, Groupe Douleurs Aiguës de la Personne Agée. Raideur matinale. La Presse médicale. 2004 Jui 10;33(12 Pt 1):803-7; discussion 825.
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