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Date 1996 Mai, Vol 36, Num 1843-1844, pp 101Revue : Jeune AfriqueType de publication : article de périodique;

The capital of Iran is Teheran. As of 1995, Iran had a population of 67.3 million governed by an Islamic republic regime. 1994 gross national product and per capita income were, respectively, $122 billion and $1820. Per capita income declined by 1% per year over the period 1985-94. In 1994, Iran owed $22.7 billion, then being serviced at $3.7 billion. For the same year, Iran exported $19.765 billion in goods and services and imported $16.384 billion. As of 1995, the population was growing in size by 2.1% annually. In 1992-93, life expectancy at birth was 67.5 years, the infant mortality rate was 66 per 1000 births, 80% had access to health services, and 89% had access to drinkable water. Other data are presented on the country's topography, climate and vegetation, demographics, principal cities, population distribution, religions, political structure, economics and finances, foreign commerce, and transportation and communications.

Mot-clés auteurs
Asia; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Economic Conditions; Economic Factors; Government; Income; Infant Mortality; Iran; Length Of Life; Life Expectancy; Macroeconomic Factors; Mortality; Political Factors; Population; Population Dynamics; Population Growth; Socioeconomic Factors; Southern Asia;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Iran. Jeune Afr. 1996 Mai;36(1843-1844):101.
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