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Un obstacle de taille au developpement harmonieux du pays. Le phenomene migratoire au Mali.

Auteurs : Diarra SDate 1991 Avril, Num 16, pp 9-12Revue : Pop Sahel : bulletin d'information sur la population et le développementType de publication : article de périodique;

Mali has long been affected by migration because of its location between North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Around 80% of the population depends on agriculture or herding for its livelihood. During the rainy season, from June-October, most of the population is busy in agricultural work, but during the dry season from November to May seasonal migration in search of wage employment is common. Seasonal migration is also part of the long tradition of commerce with neighboring countries. Economic difficulties of the last several years have encourage migration to urban centers and foreign countries. The drought that has afflicted Mali for over a decade is a further impetus to migration. 2 types of migration can be distinguished in Mali, shortterm movements of nomads and seasonal migration lasting less than 6 months, and definitive movements lasting longer including rural-urban and international migration. 4 further categories of migration include rural-rural movements especially in the south and in areas of industrial development, rural-urban migrations which are 1 of the most important factors in rapid urban growth especially around Bamako,, urban-urban migration essentially reflecting step migration from rural areas to secondary urban centers and finally to large cities, and urban-rural migration which occurs much less frequently. Over 80% of temporary movements take place within Mali. About 80% of those residing temporarily outside Mali are men. Temporary migrants inside Mali are oriented from the north to the region of Sikasso and the District of Bamako in the south and primarily are young men aged 15-29. There has been a progressive decline in the proportion of nomads in the general population from 7% in 1976 to 4% in 1987. There has been an increase in definitive migration from areas less favored ecologically to more desirable areas. A 1985 demographic survey found that 21% of the population aged 15 or over were migrants. 51.4% of migrants were male. 86% cited the drought and search for work as reasons for migrating. In 1987, foreigners accounted for less than 1% of the population of Mali. Most international migrants go to the Ivory Coast, Senegal, Ghana, the Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, or France. The major causes of migration are poverty and lack of employment opportunities, population pressure on arable land, surplus labor at the household level, displacement of population by dams and large construction projects, and miscellaneous socioeconomic and political reasons such as fascination with the city, desire for better health care, and the wish to be liberated from family pressures. Consequences of migration for sending areas include reduced production due to loss of manpower and instability of households due to absence of members. In the areas of destination, problems may include conflicts between migrants and natives or accentuation of desertification due to deforestation and intensive use of lands.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; French Speaking Africa; International Migration; Labor Migration; Mali; Migrants; Migration; Migration; Internal; Population; Population Dynamics; Temporary Migration; Western Africa;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Diarra S. Un obstacle de taille au developpement harmonieux du pays. Le phenomene migratoire au Mali. Pop Sahel : bulletin d'information sur la population et le développement. 1991 Avr;(16):9-12.
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