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Insertion des migrants en milieu urbain au Sahel: le cas du Mali.

Auteurs : Diawara MDate 1991 Avril, Num 16, pp 55Revue : Pop Sahel : bulletin d'information sur la population et le développementType de publication : article de périodique;

A study entitled "Integration of migrants into the urban environment of the Sahel: the case of Mali" will be conducted by the Center for Studies and Research on Population for Development (CERPOD) in Bamako, Mali. It will be part of the "Population and Development in the Sahel" program jointly executed by CERPOD and the Demography Department of the University of Montreal. The study is intended to elucidate the different survival strategies of migrants, who account for over half of urban growth in the Third World. Given the lack of success of previous urban development strategies, it is hoped that this study will provide date to support new policies in which the populations themselves are involved in creation and implementation of urban development programs. The study will stress the economic aspects of urban adaptation and the effects of both general and urban development policies on the sociodemographic conditions of production in urban areas, nuptiality and fertility, and health-related attitudes and behavior. The study assumes that the adaptation of migrants depends not only on their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, but on their belonging to varying networks of solidarity whose efficacy influences their degree of adaptation. The study will seek to identify and explain different types of problems related to urban growth and the strategies developed by migrants and nonmigrants to confront urban problems. A household survey, a bibliographic analysis, and in-depth interviews will be used. The study is expected to take 4 years. Bibliographic research is underway, the pilot study is tentatively scheduled for June 1991, and the study itself is projected to begin in October 1991.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Behavior; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Economic Factors; Family And Household; French Speaking Africa; Friends And Relatives; Mali; Microeconomic Factors; Migrants; Migration; Population; Population Dynamics; Problem Formulation; Research Methodology; Rural-urban Migration; Social Adjustment; Social Behavior; Western Africa;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Diawara M. Insertion des migrants en milieu urbain au Sahel: le cas du Mali. Pop Sahel : bulletin d'information sur la population et le développement. 1991 Avr;(16):55.
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