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SIDA: "Nous allons gagner".

Auteurs : Chabrier HDate 1989 Novembre 13, Num 1506, pp 72Revue : Jeune AfriqueType de publication : article de périodique;

An international colloquium on AIDS held near Paris from October 26-28, 1989, unlike the World Conference on AIDS in Montreal the year before, was able to find reasons for optimism. Significant progress was reported in immunotherapy and in chemotherapy. Successful experiments in vaccinating monkeys against the AIDS virus were reported from the US, France, and Zaire. Time is needed to prove the efficacy of the vaccines because of the slow development in AIDS. A vaccine is being tested by Jonas Salk and collaborators in 75 seropositive volunteers who do not yet show full blown disease but who have very low levels of T4 lymphocytes. Plans are underway for a larger test on 500 seropositive patients at different stages of infection. According to Salk, the new chemical and logical approach toward AIDS will allow combinations of immunotherapy and chemotherapy to destroy the virus. R. Gallo of France listed as accomplishments of the past year a better understanding of the virus, improved case management techniques, increased ability to control Kaposi's sarcoma, considerable progress in the search for a vaccine, and detection of immune proteins that affect the virus. New biological markers permit establishment of correlations between cellular modifications and the progress of the disease as well as the precise effects of treatment. The new immune system drugs immuthiol and DDI are expected to reach the market soon. Patients very soon will be able to receive less toxic alternative treatments, which can be combined for greater efficacy once their toxic interactions are understood.

Mot-clés auteurs
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--prevention and control; Animals; Laboratory; Clinical Research; Conferences And Congresses; Delivery Of Health Care; Developed Countries; Diseases; Drugs; Economic Factors; Europe; France; Health; Health Services; Hiv Infections--prevention and control; Human Volunteers; Immunization; Mediterranean Countries; Primary Health Care; Progress Report; Research And Development; Research Methodology; Technology; Treatment; Vaccination; Viral Diseases; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Chabrier H. SIDA: "Nous allons gagner". Jeune Afr. 1989 Nov 13;(1506):72.
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