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MST, sterilite, contraception, etc. ou le sexe sous influence.

Auteurs : Lachowsky MDate 1988 Octobre, Vol 16, Num 10, pp 869-71Revue : Fertilité, contraception, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

The author of this article, a gynecologist, argues that medicine and especially gynecology are by their nature intrusive and do violence to the sex and sexuality of the patient. Although gynecologists believe their daily practice to be devoid of aggressiveness, their words and gestures are actually filled with aggression against the modesty and physical intimacy of the woman and the couple. Gynecological consultation for contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, sterility, or pregnancy all concern some aspect of sex. It is a truism to say that the practitioner should be comfortable with his own sexuality before considering that of another person, but it is difficult to listen without judging or advise without moralizing. The words of the practitioner if not carefully chosen can do permanent damage to the patient. The resurgence of sexually transmitted diseases creates a favorable climate for latent aggressiveness against patients. It is necessary for gynecologists and other physicians to be aware of the impact of their own attitudes and words and to be sensitive to the feelings of the patient.

Mot-clés auteurs
Behavior; Developed Countries; Emotions; Europe; France; Interpersonal Relations; Mediterranean Countries; Perception; Physician-patient Relations; Psychological Factors; Self-perception; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Lachowsky M. MST, sterilite, contraception, etc. ou le sexe sous influence. Fertil Contracept Sex. 1988 Oct;16(10):869-71.
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