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Un contraceptif implantable: le Norplant.

Auteurs : Munyakazi ADate 1989 Août, Num 15, pp 24-8Revue : Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développementType de publication : article de périodique;

The Norplant contraceptive system consists of 6 silastic capsules 34 mm long by 2.4 mm in diameter each containing 36 mg of levonorgestrel. Norplant provides a constant daily dose of 30 mcg of levonorgestrel beginning 24 hours after insertion and lasting for 5 years. 3 contraceptive effects are provided: the cervical mucus becomes less permeable for sperm, the endometrium atrophies, and ovulation is inhibited in about 50% of cycles. The failure rate is lower than those of pills and IUDs. It is somewhat higher for women weighing over 70 kg than for those weighing less. The safety of Norplant is due to the absence of estrogen. It has no effect on blood pressure, and the risks of ectopic pregnancies or infection at the insertion site are minor. The principal side effect is disturbance of the menstrual cycle, which usually decreases after 3-6 months of use. Other minor effects should not cause termination of the method if the user has been forewarned. Women using Norplant should be followed regularly. Norplant is particularly indicated for women desiring longterm contraception or a very effective method for spacing, postpartum women, and women with contraindications to oral contraceptives and IUDs. Contraindications include pregnancy or suspicion of pregnancy, unexplained vaginal bleeding, liver or cardiovascular disorders, jaundice or pruritus during the last pregnancy, thrombophlebitis or pulmonary embolism, falciform anemia, and breast cancer. Studies are underway to verify that Norplant does not affect lactation. Norplant should be removed immediately if the woman develops migraine headaches or visual problems, signs of thrombophlebitis or hepatic disorders, increased blood pressure, or if she becomes pregnant or must undergo a surgical procedure requiring lengthy bed rest. Norplant should be inserted under scrupulously aseptic conditions during the 1st 7 cycle days under local anesthesia. Large studies in Egypt, Indonesia, Chile and elsewhere have confirmed Norplant's efficacy, lack of harmful lipid effects, and rapid return of fertility after treatment. A 3-year program of clinical trails of Norplant will be conducted in Rwanda with the financial assistance of the UN Fund for Population Activities and the technical assistance of the Population Council, after which Norplant may be added to methods available in all health facilities.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Contraception; Contraceptive Implants; Contraceptive Methods; Developing Countries; Eastern Africa; Evaluation; Family Planning; French Speaking Africa; Rwanda;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Munyakazi A. Un contraceptif implantable: le Norplant. Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développement. 1989 Août;(15):24-8.
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