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Vers la formation de nouveaux groupes ethniques en Europe Occidentale?

Auteurs : Martiniello MDate 1988 Juin, Vol 25, Num 90, pp 202-12Revue : Studi emigrazione : international journal of migration studiesType de publication : article de périodique;

The possibility is explored of immigrant groups in Europe developing an ethnic identity and the accompanying political influence, similar to those of ethnic groups in the United States. The author concludes that while such a development is at this time highly improbable, it may occur in the future. (SUMMARY IN ENG)

Mot-clés auteurs
Behavior; Cultural Background; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Ethnic Groups; Europe; Migrants; Migration; Political Factors; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Social Behavior; Social Change;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Martiniello M. Vers la formation de nouveaux groupes ethniques en Europe Occidentale?. Studi emigrazione : international journal of migration studies. 1988 Juin;25(90):202-12.
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