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Dimensions demographiques de la crise economique mondiale

Auteurs : Boyer PLDate 1984, Vol 12, Num 47-48, pp 51-62Revue : Mondes En DeveloppementType de publication : article de périodique;

The author contends that aspects of the world economic crisis and the fertility decline in developed countries have origins in the disequilibrium in the age distribution of the population, caused by World War II and exacerbated by the rigidity of the employment structure. Theories linking the age structures of populations, global equilibrium in supply and demand, and capital accumulation are outlined. The impact of employment conditions on fluctuations in fertility as hypothesized by Easterlin is considered, and a regression model is applied to data for European and North American countries.

Mot-clés auteurs
Age Distribution--determinants; Age Factors; Americas; Capital; Demographic Aging; Demographic Factors; Demographic Impact; Demography; Developed Countries; Developing Countries; Easterlin Hypothesis; Economic Conditions; Economic Factors; Employment Status; Europe; Fertility--changes; Human Resources; Labor Force; Macroeconomic Factors; Microeconomic Factors; North America; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics; Population Theory; Social Sciences; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Theoretical Studies;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Boyer P L. Dimensions demographiques de la crise economique mondiale. Mondes Dev. 1984;12(47-48):51-62.
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