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Seminaire national sur l'utilisation des donnees demographiques au Cameroun, 10-12 Juillet 1984.

Date 1984 Mars-Avril, Num 44, pp 50-4Revue : Bulletin de liaison de démographie africaineType de publication : article de périodique;

Cameroon has arrived at a decisive stage of demographic data collection in which data are becoming abundant and of high quality. In this context, the problem of effective utilization has become relevant; the creation of a bibliographic data base of population studies in Cameroon and a planned national seminar on utilization of demographic data are 2 means of promoting effective use of data. The objectives of the seminar will be the acquaint high officials of various economic sectors with the importance of using demographic data in their work. The proceedings of the seminar will be published and distributed to participating public, semi-public, and private organizations. The themes addressed will include the relationship between population and development and the use of demographic statistics in studying related problems; the history of population studies in Cameroon from 1884-1984; an evaluation of the integration of demographic statistics into development plans in Cameroon; demographic statistics and planning for education, health, manpower and employment, food self-sufficiency, the production of goods and services, territorial administration, urbanization, and housing; the use of demographic statistics in scienfific research and in industry; and demographic statistics and population coummunication. The names and institutional affiliations of the demographers and officials in charge of presentation of each topic are identified.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Cameroon; Communication; Conferences And Congresses; Data Collection; Developing Countries; French Speaking Africa; Iec; Information; Information Distribution; Middle Africa; Organization And Administration; Program Activities; Programs; Research Methodology;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Seminaire national sur l'utilisation des donnees demographiques au Cameroun, 10-12 Juillet 1984. Bull Liaison Demogr Afr. 1984 Mar;(44):50-4.
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