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Revenu offert, pretentions salariales et activite des femmes mariees: un modele d'analyse

Auteurs : Lollivier SDate 1984 Juin, Num 167, pp 3-15, 85, 87Revue : Economie & statistiqueType de publication : article de périodique;

This study uses data from tax declarations for 40,000 French households for 1975 to propose a model that permits quantification of the effects of certain significant factors on the economic activity of married women. The PROBIT model of analysis of variance was used to determine the specific effect of several variables, including age of the woman, number of children under 25 years of age in the household, the age of the youngest child, husband's income and socioprofessional status, wife's level and type of education, size of community of residence and region of residence. The principal factors influencing activity rates were found to be educational level, age, and to those of childless women, but activity rates dropped by about 30% for mothers of 2 and even more for mothers of 3 or more children. Influence of the place of residence and the husband's income were associated with lesser disparities. The reasons for variations in female labor force participation can be viewed as analogous to a balance. Underlying factors can increase or decrease the income the woman hopes to earn (offered income) as well as the minimum income for which she will work (required salary). A TOBIT model was constructed in which income was a function of age, education, geographic location, and number of children, and salary required was a function of the variables related to the husband including income and socioprofessional status. For most of the effects considered, the observed variation in activity rates resulted from variations in offered income. The husband's income influences only the desired salary. The offered income decreases and the required salary increases when the number of children is 2 or more, reducing the rate of activity. More educated women have slightly greater salary expectations, but command much higher salaries, resulting in an increased rate of professional activity.

Mot-clés auteurs
Age Factors; Currently Married--women; Demographic Factors; Developed Countries; Development Planning; Economic Development; Economic Factors; Economic Model; Educational Status--women; Employment Status--women; Europe; Family And Household; Family Characteristics; Family Size; France; Human Resources; Income--men; Income--women; Labor Force--women; Macroeconomic Factors; Marital Status; Mediterranean Countries; Models; Theoretical; Nuptiality; Population; Population Characteristics; Research Methodology; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; Wages; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Lollivier S. Revenu offert, pretentions salariales et activite des femmes mariees: un modele d'analyse. Econ Stat. 1984 Juin;(167):3-15, 85, 87.
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