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La migration colombienne vers le secteur agraire venezuelien: un contexte binational

Auteurs : Mora J, Gomez ADate 1980, Vol 21, Num 84, pp 735-47Revue : Revue tiers-mondeType de publication : article de périodique;

The authors attempt to determine the reasons for the chronic national labor shortage in the Venezuelan agrarian sector and for the large-scale emigration of Colombians to work in Venezuelan agriculture. The income of agricultural wage earners and the conditions of labor force reproduction in Venezuela are discussed as factors contributing to the labor shortage. With reference to Colombia, the rapid growth of international commerce and the policy of limiting wages are suggested as factors which contribute to emigration

Mot-clés auteurs
Agricultural Workers; Americas; Colombia; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Economic Factors; Employment Status; Human Resources; Income; International Migration; Labor Force; Latin America; Migrant Workers; Migration; Population; Population Dynamics; Socioeconomic Factors; Socioeconomic Status; South America; Venezuela;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Mora J, Gomez A. La migration colombienne vers le secteur agraire venezuelien: un contexte binational. Tiers Monde. 1980;21(84):735-47.
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