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La pensee demo-economique tunisienne

Auteurs : Sahli SDate 1980, Vol 17, Num 62, pp 83-9Revue : Revue tunisienne de sciences socialesType de publication : article de périodique;

This is a brief overview of the population theory of Tunisia's 1st leader after independence, H. Bourguiba. Bourguiba believed in the Malthusian theory of economic development linked to an appropriate population growth; he was convinced of the power of the human will in changing the traditional sexual behavior of the Tunisian population, and in changing the traditional Tunisian institutions with the purpose of reaching a development in economic production and of limiting population growth. Economics and demography have their basis in political economy; the government has the right to intervene into the private lives of the citizens, through persuasion and not coercion, since birth regulation does not simply concern the welfare of the individual but of the whole country. Toward this goal not only birth control is permitted, but also abortion in certain cases and sexual sterilization. The ideal number of children for the Tunisian family would be 4 at most, and annual population growth should not exceed 3%. Social justice and redistribution of wealth would not be possible without first achieving such goals.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Arab Countries; Demographic Factors; Demography; Developing Countries; Development Planning; Economic Development; Economic Factors; French Speaking Africa; Legislation; Mediterranean Countries; Northern Africa; Policy; Population; Population Dynamics; Population Growth; Population Policy; Population Theory; Social Policy; Social Sciences; Socioeconomic Factors; Tunisia;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Sahli S. La pensee demo-economique tunisienne. Rev Tunis Sci Soc. 1980;17(62):83-9.
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