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Une demonstration elementaire du theoreme de Sharpe-Lotka dans le cas discret

Auteurs : Fortin PDate 1980, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 127-32Revue : L'Actualité économiqueType de publication : article de périodique;

The author presents a proof of the Sharpe-Lotka theorem, which states that a population subject to stable fertility and mortality schedules will tend asymptotically, first, toward an age distribution dependent only on the fertility and mortality rates and not on the initial age distribution, and second, toward a growth rate that is the same for all ages and for the total population

Mot-clés auteurs
Demography; Models; Theoretical; Population Theory; Research Methodology; Social Sciences;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Fortin P. Une demonstration elementaire du theoreme de Sharpe-Lotka dans le cas discret. Actual Econ. 1980;56(1):127-32.
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