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Resistances inconscientes a la contraception.

Auteurs : Gloor PADate 1978 Décembre, Vol 6, pp 17-21Revue : Actualités psychiatriquesType de publication : article de périodique;

The Swiss penal code of 1942 requires the presence of a psychiatrist in all decisions about termination of pregnancy and of sterilization. The so called sexual revolution of the last 20 years has brought about a dissociation of the traditional psychosexual behavior, where eroticism, affection, and desire of a child do not integrate as harmoniously as before. Narcissistic libido, inherent in all of us, can make an individual want a baby for reasons other than normal, but as a reflection of a parent, as a toy for an infantile mother, as a termination to free, sexual life, felt as sin, for a young couple, as a hope for the future, as the rival of one of the parents, as a remedy for something lost. These are just some of the reasons why contraception, completely accepted on a conscious level, can be rejected on an unconscious one, leading to unwanted pregnancies. Family planning, through a better and deeper psychological preparation of its personnel, should better identify patients more at risk of contraceptive failure, and the unconscious resistances of individuals and couples. This very important task can be started in schools with sex education, and in family planning centers with sexual therapy for the couple. This new approach would imply an increased interest for psychology on the part of doctors assisting young couples.

Mot-clés auteurs
Behavior; Contraception; Decision Making; Delivery Of Health Care; Developed Countries; Education; Europe; Family Planning; Family Planning Education; Health; Health Personnel; Literature Review; Physicians; Pregnancy; Pregnancy; Unwanted; Psychological Factors; Sex Education; Switzerland; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Gloor P A. Resistances inconscientes a la contraception. Actual Psychiatr. 1978 Déc;6:17-21.
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