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Enquete sur les attitudes des medecins francais a l'egard de la sterilization volontaire.

Auteurs : Association pour l'Etude de la Sterilization VolontaireDate 1979 Juin, Vol 6, Num 6, pp 1-11Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

In 1977 the French Association for the Study of Voluntary Sterilization mailed a questionnaire to about 3500 gynecologists, urologists, and to a random sample of general practitioners and psychiatrists. Purpose of the survey was to investigate the physician's attitude toward sterilization, and the present day demand for sterilization. 40 of physicians responded to the questionnaire. 65% were favorable to female sterilization, and 55% to male sterilization; gynecologists, young doctors, and female doctors were generally more favorable than others. Main objection to the procedure was its irreversible character; other objections were of a moral of philosophical order. 85-98% admitted sterilization for medical and eugenic reasons; 50% admitted sterilization as a contraceptive measure but only for women over 35 and with parity 2-3. The great majority of physicians considered indispensable a counseling session with both partners, and the written consent of the individual before the operation. There are about 200,000 sterilized women and 10,000 sterilized men today in France. Gynecologists and urologists receive the greatest number of requests for sterilization. Sterilization is legal in France only for very serious medical reasons.

Mot-clés auteurs
Attitude; Behavior; Delivery Of Health Care; Developed Countries; Europe; Family Planning; Female Sterilization; France; Health; Health Personnel; Male Sterilization; Mediterranean Countries; Physicians; Psychological Factors; Research Methodology; Sampling Studies; Staff Attitude; Sterilization; Sexual; Studies; Surveys; Western Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Association pour l'Etude de la Sterilization Volontaire. Enquete sur les attitudes des medecins francais a l'egard de la sterilization volontaire. Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1979 Juin;6(6):1-11.
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