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Le corps paramedical face au planning familial.

Auteurs : Sahli SDate 1977, Vol 50, Num 5, pp 283-91Revue : Revue tunisienne de sciences socialesType de publication : article de périodique;

Recognizing that paramedics are the key interface between national family planning objectives and a potential acceptor population, this article examines the importance and impact of ideas and attitudes which such personnel may transmit to potential users. The study interviewed a total of 394 family planning personnel, including midwives, male and female nurses, as well as paramedics, involved in a family planning program conducted by the Ministry of Public Health in Tunisia. The actual interviewing process was conducted in regional hospitals, centers and dispensaries, the majority of which were located in urban rather than rural environments. The interview questionnaire included 10 closed-ended questions, 12 open-ended inquiries and 13 multiple-choice questions. The investigation provided the following: with regard to knowledge of formal government regulations and laws, the paramedic body was greatly misinformed or ignorant of the existence of many regulations. Responses often indicated a refusal to investigate the availability of certain legal contraceptive measures. This attitude was perceived as counterproductive to the aims of making such personnel available to a population for a counseling function. A thorough understanding of the relationship between population growth and development was not expressed. Though 75% of the paramedic population interviewed practiced contraceptive methods, 25% openly stated they were not motivated to use contraceptives themselves. The IUD and abortion were chosen as the most widely accepted forms of contraception, vasectomy and contraceptive pills being the least popular. Although 83% of those interviewed perceived that family planning efforts could, in the course of 15 years, have an effect on ameliorating the standard of living and aiding national development, their attitudes are assessed as unfavorable and counterproductive. The article calls for better training and attitude formation for family planning personnel.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion Law; Attitude; Behavior; Contraception; Contraceptive Methods Chosen; Delivery Of Health Care; Family Planning; Health; Health Personnel; Knowledge; Midwives; Nurses; Paramedical Personnel; Psychological Factors; Research Report; Tunisia;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Sahli S. Le corps paramedical face au planning familial. Rev Tunis Sci Soc. 1977;50(5):283-91.
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