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Devant des metrorrhagies apres I.V.G.: faites pas...

Auteurs : Achard BDate 1979 Mai, Vol 7, Num 5, pp 392-3Revue : Contraception, fertilité, sexualitéType de publication : article de périodique;

The author presents a list of do's and do not's to be observed in the case of before metropathia following induced abortion. For the diagnostic, the doctor should conduct an in depth interrogatory concerning the details of the operation and of the symptoms. A complete examination must be performed. The doctor should not perform a new curettage automatically nor prescribe antibiotics without having carefully examined the patient. He should also watch for the possibility of GEU. As a preventive action, the doctor should work with utero-tonics, check the uterine cavity, eliminate the possibility of GEU, examine the ovular remains and see the patient again within 10 days for a check-up. He should not consider induced abortion as a minor operation. As a treatment, the doctor should perform a laparoscopy in the case of a doubt; in the case of fever, pain, metrorrhagia and soft, tender uterus, he should prescribe an antibiotherapy plus a control curettage. In the case of fever with pain, metrorrhagia, painful cul-de-sac and well retracted uterus, he should perform NFS, VS, ECBU and laparoscopy if there is a possibility of adnexitis. He should not send the patient home without having made sure of the absence of the above mentioned complications.

Mot-clés auteurs
Abortion; Induced--complications; Bleeding; Body Temperature; Curettage; Diseases; Examinations And Diagnoses; Family Planning; Fertility Control; Postconception; Laparoscopy; Metrorrhagia; Pain; Signs And Symptoms; Uterus;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Achard B. Devant des metrorrhagies apres I.V.G.: faites pas... Contraception, fertilité, sexualité. 1979 Mai;7(5):392-3.
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