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Meilleure sante sexuelle: 5 etapes.

Date 1996 Avril, Num 28, pp 4-5Revue : Action contre le SIDAType de publication : article de périodique;

A diagram is presented which divides factors affecting individual behavior into five key categories. At the broadest level, there exist major political, economic, and social influences, while attitudes, knowledge, and individual capacities comprise the list of lower-level influences. Potential obstacles to HIV and STD prevention include a restrictive environment, social and cultural pressures, negative attitudes and beliefs, a lack of knowledge and information, and a lack of capacity. The following factors involved in reducing risks are examined: a favorable political, logistic, and economic framework; helpful social and cultural influences; positive attitudes and beliefs; improvements in knowledge; and the acquisition of greater capacity. Health and education programs cannot resolve all problems by themselves. Group activities based upon the diagram can be used during training sessions as a planning exercise. Three large blackboards or pieces of paper are recommended for such activities. Suggestions are offered on how to proceed in encouraging people to reduce their risks by engaging in safer behavior over both the short and long terms.

Mot-clés auteurs
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--prevention and control; Behavior; Diseases; Education; Health; Hiv Infections--prevention and control; Obstacles; Organization And Administration; Personality; Psychological Factors; Reproductive Health; Risk Reduction Behavior; Sex Behavior--determinants; Sexuality; Training Activities; Training Programs; Viral Diseases;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Meilleure sante sexuelle: 5 etapes. Action Contre SIDA. 1996 Avr;(28):4-5.
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