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Date 1996 Avril, Num 28, pp 1-2Revue : Action contre le SIDAType de publication : article de périodique;

HIV prevention programs too often focus upon providing information and other measures to encourage people to modify their behaviors. But sexual behavior is influenced by a number of factors, such as individuals¿ knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, self-respect, abilities, social pressures and influences, and the broader social context. That context refers to the prevailing cultural norms, religion, economics, health policies, legislation, and services. It is not enough to simply know the facts. Age and sex also influence behavior. For example, men and women are programmed to behave differently from each other. Since all of these factors affect individuals¿ attitudes about themselves and their health, programs designed to promote safer sexual behavior must attempt to understand how they will impact upon program design, implementation, and success. At the individual level, populations need ways to consolidate their personal knowledge, abilities, and self-confidence. At the broader community level, programs should work together with local organizations, decision-makers, and the media to encourage social, economic, and cultural change. Program participation, satisfying individual needs, social and cultural influences, and existing community-level constraints are discussed.

Mot-clés auteurs
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome--prevention and control; Attitude; Behavior; Community; Culture; Diseases; Economic Factors; Geographic Factors; Hiv Infections--prevention and control; Marketing; Obstacles; Organization And Administration; Perception; Population; Program Design; Program Development; Programs; Promotion; Psychological Factors; Residence Characteristics; Risk Reduction Behavior--determinants; Self-perception; Sex Behavior--determinants; Spatial Distribution; Viral Diseases;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Beaucoup plus que de l'information. Action Contre SIDA. 1996 Avr;(28):1-2.
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