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Donnees demographiques sur les meres de la ville de Toamasina I (1988).

Auteurs : Rakotomanga JD, Rakotomanga SDate 1991, Num 2, pp 68-70Revue : Ravintsara : collection médecine, santé publiqueType de publication : article de périodique;

Approximately 28,125 women aged 15-49 years live in Toamasina, comprising approximately 22.5% of the city¿s 172,000 inhabitants. 385 mothers under 50 years old were surveyed in a study of selected demographic data. 68.4% of the mothers were 20-34 years old, while the mothers¿ mean age was 31.5 years. 63.2% of the surveyed women married before reaching 20 years old, while the median marriage age in the city was 17.6 years. Approximately 8.6% of the mothers were single. 57.7% of women in Toamasina bear their first child before reaching 19 years old. 61.8% of single mothers are 15-19 years old, and 55.9% of them have completed high school. 80.5% of the mothers know how to read and write. Fathers of the most recent child in households were of median age 36 years. 38% of households had at least 7 people living under the same roof and 34.4% of mothers have only 2 rooms available, including the kitchen. An average of 6.1 people per household reside in a mean 2.5 rooms. These findings can help shape the delivery of family planning and primary health services to these residents, and also help to define an appropriate housing policy.

Mot-clés auteurs
Africa; Africa South Of The Sahara; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Eastern Africa; Family And Household; Family Characteristics; Family Relationships; Family Size; French Speaking Africa; Geographic Factors; Households; Housing; Madagascar; Mothers; Parents; Population; Population Characteristics; Research Report; Residence Characteristics; Spatial Distribution; Urban Population;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Rakotomanga J D, Rakotomanga S. Donnees demographiques sur les meres de la ville de Toamasina I (1988). Ravintsara. 1991;(2):68-70.
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