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Consequences de la croissance demographique dans la Tamba Kosi, vallee himalayenne du Nepal.

Auteurs : Verliat SDate 1994 Avril-Juin, Vol 47, Num 186, pp 225-44Revue : Les cahiers d'outre-merType de publication : article de périodique;

Two several-month-long stays in the isolated Tamba Kosi valley in Nepal in 1983 and 1986 allowed an assessment of the importance of changes in rural societies. In about 50 years, the oldest inhabitants of some villages have seen the number of houses quadruple. In the absence of reliable statistical data, the inhabitants say that the Tamba Kosi valley population has doubled in the last 25 years. This population growth exacerbates the multiethnic fight for good land (i.e., ground of modest slope, hot, and humid). Many people have emigrated, which has somewhat eased problems relative to population growth. Soil degradation, which is becoming more and more acute, drives the inhabitants to cut down trees and clear the land for cultivation of new plots. These new plots are running up against steep slopes and high altitude. Most families have barely two hectares, which must suffice to feed 5-6 people on average. This fuels intensification of agricultural production, resulting in low efficacy. Livestock mutilate forests with their hooves and teeth. The marked increase in the variety of livestock accelerates this destruction. Three types of building materials are used in this high valley: thatch, shingles (fir tree), and bamboo matting. The disappearance of wild grasses used to make thatch roofs and people moving to higher and higher altitudes resulted in use of shingles to make roofs. Buildings made of shingles, which demanded changes in construction techniques, changed the conception of homes. They became the preferred building type, which increased the demand for fir trees and deforestation. This lead to a demand for roofing material made of bamboo matting and another change in construction techniques. The retreat of the forest and disappearance of the most wanted plant species are the most spectacular impacts of population growth. This environmental degradation exacerbates erosion at all bioclimatic altitudes.

Mot-clés auteurs
Altitude; Asia; Carrying Capacity; Critique; Deforestation; Demographic Factors; Developing Countries; Environment; Environmental Degradation; Geographic Factors; Housing; Natural Resources; Nepal; Population; Population Characteristics; Population Pressure; Residence Characteristics; Rural Population; Southern Asia; Spatial Distribution;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Verliat S. Consequences de la croissance demographique dans la Tamba Kosi, vallee himalayenne du Nepal. Cah O M. 1994 Avr;47(186):225-44.
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