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Diversites territoriales dans les evenements demographiques italiens: problemes et hypotheses de synthese historique.

Auteurs : Del Panta LDate 1991, Num 14, pp 35-50Revue : Bollettino di demografia storicaType de publication : article de périodique;

The author examines regional differences in demographic conditions that existed in Italy in the period preceding the demographic transition, with a focus on dissimilarities, both among and within the major regions. The author concludes that these differences are such that only a regional approach, as opposed to a national approach, is appropriate for the study of Italian historical demography in the period from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.

Mot-clés auteurs
Demographic Factors; Demography; Developed Countries; Europe; Geographic Factors; Historical Demography; Italy; Mediterranean Countries; Population; Population Dynamics; Social Sciences; Southern Europe;
 Source : MEDLINE©/Pubmed© U.S National Library of Medicine
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Del Panta L. Diversites territoriales dans les evenements demographiques italiens: problemes et hypotheses de synthese historique. Bollettino di demografia storica. 1991;(14):35-50.
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